Request a Portrait
All free portrait requests are considered based on limitations of funds available and number of applications received. Be assured we will do everything we can to fulfill as many requests as possible.
We try our very best to be diligent regarding the very sensitive nature of this request process, especially to those families learning to live with their loss. We want to use the utmost care before presenting a portrait to a family member without their knowledge or approval. Please make sure that the person you are requesting this for is truly interested in this gift. If you are gifting this portrait to a next of kin family member or friend, a brief explanation is needed, your relationship to the family and why you would like this portrait done. There will be one portrait request per family.
A Portrait request Form must be filled out along with three to five color photos. Do not send Original Photos! Do not send photo copies of originals as these can be poor quality and the finished portrait depends greatly on the quality of the photos/prints you send to us.
Fill in the form and then print out two copies, one for your records and one for submission, along with your photos/prints. Mail everything to: Faces of Angels, LLC, 14311 Kauffman Avenue, Sterling, OH 44276. Due to the high number of requests and costs, we are only able to paint single individuals.
Please click here to access the Portrait Request Form.
Once your request has been approved you will be notified by email.
Thank you for your time and interest in our mission.